Kian Piraflak, a 10-year-old from Izeh, was killed on November 16, 2022. Kian was killed during an attack on the Izeh market, during nationwide protests in Iran that erupted following the death of Mahsa Amini. Kian was shot and killed by Islamic Regime forces while was returning home with his parents and younger brother in their car.
He is one of the youngest victims of the bloody crackdown by Iran’s government during the nationwide protests in Iran that began in September 2022.
Kian had hopes of one day becoming a robotics engineer. Sources close to the Regime described his death as a terrorist attack. His death caused a wave of reactions on social media. Kian’s funeral was held on Friday, October 27, 2022. Because of his age and the tragic circumstances, his funeral was very well attended, with a very large number of residents of his hometown of Izeh present. Loud anti-regime chants could be heard during and after the funeral.
It is difficult to say who the luckiest person in the world is as luck is a subjective concept. Whether it be in their personal life, or in their professional life, this luck will be viewed differently from person to person. As life is never constant and always changing, the “luck” that we experience in life is also dynamic. Below is Kian's handwritten answer to the question “Who do you think the happiest and luckiest person in the world is?” He responded by mentioning his own name and Elon Musk.
