Mohammad Eghbal NayebZehi was a 16-year-old Baloch boy living in Zahedan, in the province of Sistan and Baluchestan. Following his father’s cancer diagnosis, Mohammad was forced to drop out of school and begin working construction full time in order to support his family.
Based on the words of his mother, Mohammad wore his green outfit and told her that he was going for Friday prayers. This was on Friday, September 30, 2022, on what is referred to as Zahedan’s "Bloody Friday”.
After prayers, the Islamic Republic security forces opened fire on people who were protesting the recent rape of a Baloch girl earlier that month as well as the death of Mahsa Amini. Mohammad Eghbal was shot during the massacre and never returned home that day. It is reported that he was undocumented and did not have a birth certificate, which is a common issue for Baloch people and a result of the oppression this ethnic minority faces under the rule of the Islamic Republic.