Setayesh Sharifinia, a 16-year-old from Kordkoy, in Iran’s Golestan province, was tortured to death by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).
As a this most recent revolutionary movement began following the September 2022 killing of Mahsa Jina Amini, Setayesh also took to the streets to protest. IRGC agents captured and arrested Setayesh and reportedly tortured her during interrogations.
On December 27, 2022, Setayesh was transferred to Amir Almomenin Hospital in Kordkoy. Photographs of Setayesh’s injuries were documented at the hospital and she was released a few days later. Unfortunately, the injuries that Setayesh had sustained required her to be re-admitted to hospital where she fell into a coma. It is reported that she woke from the coma after several days, but died in hospital on January 13, 2023. Sources close to the family say that the doctor who treated Setayesh noted severe torture as the cause of her injuries and death.